View Profile Kitala
Just your run-of-the-mill, outgoing, friendly, sometimes aggressive, overly sexual, perverted, misunderstood, helpful, original, and always random newgrounds regular who is also a hermaphrodite.

Age 35, Female

Social Worker

4th Year at Uni


Joined on 7/28/07

Exp Points:
13,710 / 14,390
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Vote Power:
7.70 votes
Sgt. First Class
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Kitala's News

Posted by Kitala - May 3rd, 2008

Like Blockbuster for porn. Wouldn't that be a sweet place? We'd have a few new release walls and some sections layed out by fetishes..and then we'd have condoms where the candy usually is. We'd have spermicide where the drinks usually are and we'd have blistex where the gum usually is! And then we'd have the return slot so you can hand in your pornos after dark, when you get off of work...or get off...or you're meeting up with a prostitude or your second family because you're a sleezbag man and you wont just ask your wife to get naked and dance a little yourself instead of finding someone who's first instinct is to do it and who will undoubtedly give you AIDS. Then...of course...right next to the return slot...is the glory hole. I'll own the franchise with my amazingly sexy husband and we will forever be rich beyond our wildest dreams. All porno with a cheap price and maybe even eventually Cockbuster mail delivery. Return yours and get more DVDs sent in the mail. ---Yup....I'm pretty sure that'd be awsome.

Welcome to Cockbuster. -Paradise-


Posted by Kitala - April 7th, 2008

So my school has this news broadcast that they do on Fridays.
They had an April Fools day edition but they were behind on the filming
so they aired it today. It was..amazing. They had these crappy fake
April Fools articles..and one of them......was epic..

"Now running for president is famous singer Rick Astley.
This is Rick here with his famous song Never Gonna Give You Up."
*shows clip on tv for 2000 kids*

I must say I loled so hard I was dying.
But I'd say only about 10% of the school understood what really happened.

We had been RICKROLLED!! And almost nobody understood the win...

So what say you, NG?---Is it still an epic win?
2000 kids...and i'm assuming about 270+ staff members

I shook their hands... =]

Epic Rickroll

Posted by Kitala - April 4th, 2008

Thassright. My last post's comments were starting to bore me to a new extremety. So leave me new ones..better ones..maybe ones that are less creepy too. :] Ones that I don't need to read too deep into to try to see if they're close to harassment enough for me to want to block. I want jokes. Funny ones. I'm sure you people are somewhat capeable. =P

Ya'r Boring

Posted by Kitala - February 23rd, 2008

I turned 18 on the 21st =) so now I can rape things, be in porn, order shit off tv, not have a cerfew, work past 11:45, and go to real jail. All the joys of being an adult consist of...well..-what?--waking up? How can all of that happen in one change of a day. Who knows. Either way I'm "an adult" now. So...

Hai Rape!!! *waves frantically*

Hai Rape!

Posted by Kitala - January 25th, 2008

Just shut up. :P

I paintballed a peace sign on this tree in my yard.
And contraried it with me as a hippie.


Posted by Kitala - November 13th, 2007

So, Newgrounds, my abusive love. It's been a while hasn't it?--Too long, if you ask me. Let's see...nothing all that new is up. I've been enjoying the senior year with SATs, College crap, work, and keeping up my grades. Sounds fun doesn't it?--I trust you all still kept your sarcasm while I was away? I come on every day, of course, to check my inbox and to get my points...obviously. I haven't been on the BBS in a while though...oh well that will change soon, I promise. As always I've uploaded a new picture in coresspondance to my myspace--100% unedited. I was in the car in the morning waiting for my friend. Anyway...that's about it. I miss you all soooooo---talk to me. :]

Byeeee <3

Leeko made me a flash. although it will probibly be short lived
i have made a screenshot to commemorate it's awsomeness
and how it shall forever be in my heart and or vagina.

you cant really read it
it says "I <3 KITALA! :D"
its there tho...proof...

Hey hey hey!

Posted by Kitala - September 23rd, 2007

Talk Like a Pirate Day 2007 was fantastic! I dressed up with a bunch of my friends. If you don't believe me, you can PM me. [a lot of people don't believe me for some reason]

Not only was it great because it was Talk Like a Pirate Day, but I also got User of The Day on NG!! Yay! I was so damn happy about it, even though it's random. I havn't been here very long [as a member...about 6 years being a nonmember], so it's really nice to already be making my mark on NG anyway I can. As my friend refers to it, I'm a Newb Regular. I'm on everyday but I'm not quite popular enough year-wise to make too much of an impact. Eitherway, I'd like to especially point out Bluehippo who's kind words and a wonderful position impact on the NG community by telling me I had recieved UOTD has made me luff him as a person. I was especially fond that he took the type to "decrypt" my little blerb under my profile pic. He got most of it right give or take a replacement of "a" and "for" from 4.

Speaking of being on everyday...I have just gone up a rank and a blam/save rank. :] I am now level 8 and I've go the first lil medal that looks like a sheriff's badge. :] hehehe. Anyway...good things are happening.

Madness Day was great, minus the lots of shitty toons I was forced to witness at fairness to everyone. Despite that, most of them were passed XD. Nice job for a good many of you, though! Happy late madness day.

And We're Moving On Up..

Posted by Kitala - September 17th, 2007

Yeah. I updated my pic again, in coresspondance with my myspace of course. This picture is different from the myspace one though, so...yeah. I like it. Sepia...cool cool...cool beans.

During the time of me taking the photos my gum bubble popped in my face and made for a lovely "It's okay..." sig. I am now using it. How do you like it? :]

In other news...this wed is Talk Like A Pirate day...annnndddd I'm deliberatly NOT going to look at colleges with my parents on wed so that I can be in school to dress and talk..like a pirate. My parents are furious. Oh well. ^_^

Constructive Criticism.
Lame male behavior is expected.
Awsome male behavior is honored.

It's okay...it's only gum.

Posted by Kitala - August 23rd, 2007

That's what I decided to call my newest myspace layout. It's all like...Marilyn Monroe and classy themed. I like it. This is my myspace default...so I decided to make it my NG pic too. It seems right to update both coresspondingly. I probibly should upload a picture but I'm not going to because if you snooze you lose. See it now or go on my myspace until it's gone. Anyway, Clock Day 2007 was fun considering it was my first year as a member, but not my first year in general, of course. Since I was familiar with the tradition from knowledge of prior years I could finally vote, and I did, all 5's. I went up a few B/S points. Awsome. Anyway...that's really all that's new. I havn't been on the BBS that much because I've been IMing a few of my favorite NG members. Making some good friends and having some good times. Later.

Random Thought of The Moment: "What the hell smells like playdoh?"

Posted by Kitala - August 9th, 2007

It's amazing how the NG BBS never ceases to entertain me. I'm growing to absolutely love spending my spare-time there, and by spare time I do not mean my entire life, because of how much I am completely speechless by the random stuff that goes on in there. I'm not gonna lie, it's not for the faint of heart or soul. The best is when they claim there are no such thing as women on NG. Alas, it never gets old.

I added a new picture because my other was outdated to me. I like this one because I have my pistol.