So my school has this news broadcast that they do on Fridays.
They had an April Fools day edition but they were behind on the filming
so they aired it today. It was..amazing. They had these crappy fake
April Fools articles..and one of them......was epic..
"Now running for president is famous singer Rick Astley.
This is Rick here with his famous song Never Gonna Give You Up."
*shows clip on tv for 2000 kids*
I must say I loled so hard I was dying.
But I'd say only about 10% of the school understood what really happened.
We had been RICKROLLED!! And almost nobody understood the win...
So what say you, NG?---Is it still an epic win?
2000 kids...and i'm assuming about 270+ staff members
I shook their hands... =]
i'd vote for sure!
That would be very funny to see. Better him than Nater...poor Nater..