So, Newgrounds, my abusive love. It's been a while hasn't it?--Too long, if you ask me. Let's see...nothing all that new is up. I've been enjoying the senior year with SATs, College crap, work, and keeping up my grades. Sounds fun doesn't it?--I trust you all still kept your sarcasm while I was away? I come on every day, of course, to check my inbox and to get my points...obviously. I haven't been on the BBS in a while though...oh well that will change soon, I promise. As always I've uploaded a new picture in coresspondance to my myspace--100% unedited. I was in the car in the morning waiting for my friend. Anyway...that's about it. I miss you all soooooo---talk to me. :]
Byeeee <3
Leeko made me a flash. although it will probibly be short lived
i have made a screenshot to commemorate it's awsomeness
and how it shall forever be in my heart and or vagina.
you cant really read it
it says "I <3 KITALA! :D"
its there tho...proof...
THAT'S ME! :D <3