That's what I decided to call my newest myspace layout. It's all like...Marilyn Monroe and classy themed. I like it. This is my myspace I decided to make it my NG pic too. It seems right to update both coresspondingly. I probibly should upload a picture but I'm not going to because if you snooze you lose. See it now or go on my myspace until it's gone. Anyway, Clock Day 2007 was fun considering it was my first year as a member, but not my first year in general, of course. Since I was familiar with the tradition from knowledge of prior years I could finally vote, and I did, all 5's. I went up a few B/S points. Awsome. Anyway...that's really all that's new. I havn't been on the BBS that much because I've been IMing a few of my favorite NG members. Making some good friends and having some good times. Later.
Random Thought of The Moment: "What the hell smells like playdoh?"
its kinda useless when you've set it too private >_>
Touche. I forgot I set it to private a few days ago...Mostly just the random paranoia getting to me. I'll unprivate it. Thanks