View Profile Kitala
Just your run-of-the-mill, outgoing, friendly, sometimes aggressive, overly sexual, perverted, misunderstood, helpful, original, and always random newgrounds regular who is also a hermaphrodite.

Age 35, Female

Social Worker

4th Year at Uni


Joined on 7/28/07

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13,710 / 14,390
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Kitala's News

Posted by Kitala - March 20th, 2009

THIS PICTURE: The sisters. My moms Corvair and my Van home :)

And she's all mine. I've always wanted one to do up all psychedelic and crazy.
Eventually, when I'm older, I may settle on getting her professionally painted and done up but
until then I'm just going to make her road-worthy and safe and then customize her. :)

Either way, I'm going to save a little space on her for NG
I'll have the explosion Tokyo Sun looking background we've all become so used to
and then I'll probably want a tank on there matching the typical NG tank
and of course that will be shooting out flowers or some shit ;P

Any ideas for certain scenes/parts of the bus?
Does anyone have a name for her I should give her? She's gonna be my shagedelic-studly-sexmobile so

use that as a reference ;D
Her theme song is already "Right Place Wrong Time" by Dr. John
because when my dad found her he was working and he made a wrong turn
and he knows I've been wanting one...so he was in the right place at the wrong time
or the wrong place at the right time...either way it works. :)

(It's either a nice picture of the car or a shitty one with me in it as proof that it's mine...
I'm settling on the nice picture of the Bus cuz I'll be posting more pics of it later)

My dad and I, yes both of us together, rebuilt a 55 Chevy Stepside from a scrapyard. so Eff u. :P

Okay I'm done.
Beanbag chair
Disco Ball
Bumper stickers: "Still Pissed at Yoko" and "If this van's a rockin', don't come a knockin'"
Velvet Pillows
Shag Carpet
Lava lamp
Desert Storm army jacket made hippied up
Old school ads like coca cola
Old school magz like batman!

Hearts, peace signs, etc. (all of the known obvious things)
Woodstock symbol
Tank shooting flowers or something
Free Love
Ying yang

Moving Spirit
Spirit Traveler

1967 VW Bus

Posted by Kitala - March 17th, 2009

Don't ask why I was outside, but I was outside at 4:30 on this fine day of St. Patrick.
Now I don't know where you're from, but if it's anything like central Jersey right now
it smells like fresh sea air and rain...maybe a hint of dead deer...? I live in the woods so it's possable.
Either way it's definatly going to rain but it's beautiful outside so early.
It's still dark out and it's kind of foggy and it feels like the shore--again
I don't know how many of you actually know of this joyous scent.

It's amazing.

The wind is howling and it's just wonderful. I wanna just sit outside
but I think I may scare the shit out of my dad when he leaves for work in a lil bit.

On a side note, I'm not ABANDONING my Pirate Flash--I'm just taking time off from it.
I don't want my first flash to be shit.
...So I'm working on two at the same time. I have a feeling I'll finish my second before the first,
which will make my first kinda less good than I had wanted--but whatever.
It will be nice.

Happy St. Go-get-drunk-for-a-celebration-of-a-sa int Day!

Posted by Kitala - February 17th, 2009

I'm working on an animation. It's kinda nothing special or big or anything...
but I'm having fun working on it...kinda. Hah.

Don't have a clue when it will be ready by or if it will be ready ever
but I am working on something along the lines of piracy.

There really should be more pirate flashes
more good pirate flashes. I'm trying to help that out.

Random sketch time!
Also, how are all of you fine gents, alts, and lady or 2?

Say wuht?

Posted by Kitala - February 9th, 2009

Goes to Mystery-Moon-Pie-Aud which is the new account made by the bitchy toddler former miss Mystery-Moon-Pie who was banhammered. His reason for messaging me? He claimed to be able to "fix" my signature. All he needed was the original picture. He claimed his intentions where not of the pervy nature but considering hes a 15 year old child, I considered it best to just let him know that my signature was FINE. Thanks. His "sense of humor" consists of pretending he knows everything about everything--the funniest of which happened to be my COLLEGE MAJOR. Next time, try not to upstage someone older on his or her own MAJOR/PROFESSION. Especially when you know diddly squat about it. Let alone knowing squat about grammar. So as soon as I fight back about what I know best he blocks me. XD

What a freakin dweeb. Oh well. I got a trial for Toon Boom Animator out of it. :P sweet.

how are the rest of ya'll?

Flaming Bitch Award

Posted by Kitala - January 31st, 2009

ck. I'm bored.
Talk to me.
Hire me to do female voice acting.
Do something.


Posted by Kitala - January 12th, 2009

Well, thanks to everyone's encouragement (everyone who posted in my last update)
I now have my first Voice Acting Demo up.
With a very special thanks to Dylawrence, I now have my first part. Which I will work on ASAP.
:) You'll all see it when it's done.

I'm excited!
So if you have an idea for a female role in your flash, but you'd like a female voice actress...
PM me with the details (lines, voice desired, etc.) and I'll get back to you. ^_^

Thanks, guys. You're awesome.

yay for my newly made emoticons?

Female Voice Actress

Posted by Kitala - January 9th, 2009

So I was just thinking, and I could be wrong about this but, wouldn't the desire
for female voice acting be really at a demand? Like think about the possabilities..
besides just girl moaning for tenticle hentai or something lol...but still that too.
I wonder are there very many girl voice actresses on NG? What does it really take to be one?

I have a good mic, I know not to yell into it, I know how to use white noise to my advantage,
I'm a girl, and my voice is flexible (to me).

So how would I go after this sort of thing? Any flash-makers know or know of anyone interested?
I think I'd be willing to go for it.

I've even seen people offer a pay for voice acting if the actor has a paypal.

Any help on this, guys? :)

Posted by Kitala - December 26th, 2008

I feel like shit. I'm such an emotional wreck right now.
"Typical girl," yes I know. It's true.

I need someone to cheer me up :(
First one to make me smile/make me smile the most wins my respect

TheWolfe has recieved a laugh. In a thread about him being a newcamera-whore
i requested a sign-pic [along with like everyone else]
and he put mine and RKs on the same =] i got a kick outta it
Win Thread


Posted by Kitala - December 21st, 2008

Lately I must say--bad pun or not--the portal seems to be a slang term for POOR TALLY.
Stuff seems to be passed without even a little bit of consideration.
This is as of very recently too; I'd say about the past week or so.
I'm not sure why this is happening but I bet this has already reached attention to at least some mods.
I'm not much of anybody to be saying, but I'm probibly in the portal rating AND WATCHING
more submissions than a lot of you all--but anyway there's been an influx of new ALTs too.
A lot more girl ALTs than usual too--but thats besides the point. ;P

Anywho--besides that little rant I just wanted to say
blamed is to have put fault on somebody in the past tense
blame becomes blamed
blam becomes blammed

Really, it's simple grammar. *facepalm*
Now...back to the portal with me..to do the job that few wish to do or like to do
or even the few that do "do it" don't actually "DO IT" because they don't even watch half of this shit

oi vey. sorry. i needed to vent.

Posted by Kitala - December 6th, 2008

Holy shit I made a new header in Microsoft Paint.
Yeah I've been working with MSP since 5th grade
and this is not even .001% of what I CAN do, but
I was getting MAD bored of the old one.
So here it is, bitches.

Me in a clever little demotivational border.

Demotivational Me