View Profile Kitala
Just your run-of-the-mill, outgoing, friendly, sometimes aggressive, overly sexual, perverted, misunderstood, helpful, original, and always random newgrounds regular who is also a hermaphrodite.

Age 35, Female

Social Worker

4th Year at Uni


Joined on 7/28/07

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13,710 / 14,390
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Kitala's News

Posted by Kitala - November 5th, 2009

Remember, remember the fifth of November,
The gunpowder treason and plot,
I know of no reason
Why the gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot.

Who else thinks V is very attractive. I mean with the mask on but I mean more of the way he acts. It's very alluring and...hot... ;) I'd hit it twice with my penisvagina.

Have a happy one, Guy(s)

Remember Remember

Posted by Kitala - October 23rd, 2009

I'm gonna bake one tomorrow I think. Sometime this week, probably. Cuz I am a woman and I'm in the kitchen all of my life.

Who wants to be on it? :3

calintz made one too. go look at the thread to see his :D
http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/11 16391 <-thread.

Newgrounds Cake

Posted by Kitala - October 9th, 2009

I'm starting off a new series of flash cartoons.

Let me start by saying that I'm not giving up on the KTP series, it's just on Hiatus.
Let me end that thought by saying that hiatus means hiatus, not "abandoning it."

This new series will tie into my college life easily since it will be
very simple and drawn with little to no voicing.
The idea behind it is turning my classroom "doodles to digital."
It will be called "Classroom Cartoons" and each episode will center around a new theme.
Each theme will be something I've learned in an actual class at my University.
What I do is, when I understand something in class I will doodle something to help me study.
It helps me a lot because when I am studying I don't want to read dictionary terms
almost none of which I understood in the first place.
The cartoons are meant to help people learn a little, sure,
but they're mostly comical and mocking society's formal education.

Expect the arrival of the first one quite soon! These are very simple flashes.

Doodles to Digital

Posted by Kitala - September 19th, 2009

As you may or may not know, I love me some Pirates.
I am the one who messaged Tom about getting a Pirate Collab
I have celebreated TLAPD for years (search my history even for proof of both)
I'm just a pirate. Let's leave it at that.

So I love me some Talk Like a Pirate Day!
Today I spent most of it in the NG Pirate Day stickam chat, which was lovely.
Out of it I got a few drawings of me

1 by Twilight
2 by Furseiseki

The 1 by Twlight is in my fav's in the art portal *points to bottom of my page* LOVE IT
One by Fur is below here in the news. =] I liked this one cuz I'm a pirate cat..LOVE IT
Also the other one is a little...Rated R haha

Anywho I also entered a bit into a collab which I hope to be out soon.
Check back for it. :P And

Ya'rrr. Happy TLAPD 09!

Happy TLAPD 09!

Posted by Kitala - September 7th, 2009

I have always admired Gagsy as a hero of mine
(Jade too) Because they are females with power
and they are, in turn, females on Ng
Females with prestige
Females with coincidental sex appeal
with a certain level of unattainability.

That is cool.
And since we all know Jade and Rig have something special
I wanted something with Gagsy too :]
So after much flirting on Stickam <3
I've asked her to marry me

She said yes =]]]
Proof. cuz it happened

http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/98 2224/375

Gagsy and I are engaged

Posted by Kitala - August 17th, 2009

So far the list of people I'm married to/dated/had sex with are
DamnMewTwo for being adorable
Shikamarana asked me on stickam. and i said yes cuz i wanna make hot love to him. :D
Lady Stardust because she made me a sweet picture Clitala the clit master :]
Rig cuz he's sexy and so is his mic
Keith cuz he's also kinda a hot mofo

Pic= Fgoose presenting his slinky ring whilst proposing. + Clitala

So I met sir, TNT. He's a cutie. I want him on my list.
He's on my wishlist along with Tom Fulp and Rig's Mic.
bring any or all of them to me and I will succumb to your wishes*.

* Wishes subject to be accepted/rejected by Kitala before performance

I'm married again.

Posted by Kitala - July 30th, 2009

It's no secret that the newgrounder I dated was indeed, Tramps. (lolnoitwasn't)
But it seems he was still hungup over me after our split. (hardyharhar)
We had a brief moment of...deciept on my behalf. (omgitstacii)
Things were said and engagements for marriage were made. (it'slegallybinding)
Things happened which do not need to be discussed. (lolscreenshots)
Nor sent to anyone. (stopasking)
I'm not even certain I still have them on my computer. (eventhoughitslegalhe's16)
But I do have to say that I am sorry, Tramps. (notreally<33)
I have found someone else. (i'dtapthat)
Someone who accepts me for who I am. (itsrachelrayehaha)
Rachel and I are married now. (orgywithgagsyjadevalzetc.)<3
I'll never forget you in my heart, though, Tramps. (you'reinthengv.i.psection)
You're like the Jack to my Rose. (youdead)
I'll miss you... (seeyouonstickamnightly)

I LOVE YOU RACHEL (lessthantomfulp..sorry)

My engagement

Posted by Kitala - July 16th, 2009

I've been spending a lot of time on the NG Stickam chat
it's kind of awesome.

http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/98 2224/295

Picture thanks to Kaleb.

NG Stickam

Posted by Kitala - June 19th, 2009

EDIT #2!!!
TOM EMAILED ME BACK! I'm so friggen giddy. :]]]] yayy
He said:

"I really do need to make a pirates collection... I've been wanting to move the collection system over to a tag-based system, but if we don't get to that in the coming months I'll finally do it. :)"

WHOO! So, you're all welcome andddd once that baby is up my Kitala The Pirate animation better be in it. :D YA'RRRRRR

I also sent an Email to Tom since everyone keeps saying Wade was a bad choice. Haha..not like Tom will be much more help. He probably gets so many emails a day he wont get to mine for like a year. Whatever...I tried.

I wrote to Wade about a week ago expressing my sincere disturbance
as to why there is no Pirate section of the Collections
there's one for paris hilton for chr!st's sake!
and ninjas get their own collection?
don't even get me started on how pirates are way better.


So I'm trying to make my mark on NG
so if this pirate section comes on out anytime soon
you're all welcome.
:] and my new flash belongs in it.


The pirate collection? :O

Posted by Kitala - June 10th, 2009

No...but I bet that attracted quite a few people to my news. Hah
My first flash ever is finished, as you can see below. (first I've made and not voice-acted in).
It is called Kitala The Pirate and there will be a series based on her adventures as such.
I had a bit of technical difficulties with the sound but it's all good now! =D

Sorry for the lack of preloader as...it is my first flash XD anddddd
there are little to no tutorials on Toon Boom Studio.
I have no idea how to work it and the flash tutorials for it are non-translatable to toon boom
so if anyone has any idea how to do it...lemme know, huh? :)

Enjoy! ^_^