EDIT #2!!!
TOM EMAILED ME BACK! I'm so friggen giddy. :]]]] yayy
He said:
"I really do need to make a pirates collection... I've been wanting to move the collection system over to a tag-based system, but if we don't get to that in the coming months I'll finally do it. :)"
WHOO! So, you're all welcome andddd once that baby is up my Kitala The Pirate animation better be in it. :D YA'RRRRRR
I also sent an Email to Tom since everyone keeps saying Wade was a bad choice. Haha..not like Tom will be much more help. He probably gets so many emails a day he wont get to mine for like a year. Whatever...I tried.
I wrote to Wade about a week ago expressing my sincere disturbance
as to why there is no Pirate section of the Collections
there's one for paris hilton for chr!st's sake!
and ninjas get their own collection?
don't even get me started on how pirates are way better.
So I'm trying to make my mark on NG
so if this pirate section comes on out anytime soon
you're all welcome.
:] and my new flash belongs in it.