I hate you and find you 10x hotter at the same time. >:(
Name it Grounds Gold :D
Just your run-of-the-mill, outgoing, friendly, sometimes aggressive, overly sexual, perverted, misunderstood, helpful, original, and always random newgrounds regular who is also a hermaphrodite.
Age 35, Female
Social Worker
4th Year at Uni
Joined on 7/28/07
I hate you and find you 10x hotter at the same time. >:(
Name it Grounds Gold :D
Aww don't hate me cuz im beautiful--im kidding. Thanks :)
Aren't...you...a..guy? O__o Or..lies? lol sorry idk
Grounds gold sounds cute, but I'm leaning more towards 60's names
the lounge area can be named Grounds Gold, though!
I love your bus yet hate you for having it.
Thanks. It's okay about the hate, I understand. I'd hate you too if you had one and I didn't. :)
I'd try to get some old school advertising someone on/in there. Like some 70s era cola ads, maybe some comic book heros like batman the likes.
That is a really sweet idea! Fuck yeah man. Good job! Thanks =D
^_O shes a beauty
I just did :)
She is. ^_^ thanks a bunch
From the names you put on the list, I choose Rosie, is a perfect match.
Either way, She is yours, you can do wanever you want, this is awesome.
My Dad has a chevrolet Comodore and I will get it when I go to college, and i already give a name: Tess, well, i liked.
See ya, Falou gata!
Yeah, I like Rosie too it's really pretty...I'm just not sure yet. I'll google some names when I'm not horribly busy/stressed like I am now. college finals are a bitch!
thanks tho. good luck with ur comodore =)
Wow, switch the profile picture again.
i didnt like the one with my keys so i went back to the one i had prior to that? O_o weirdo
Sweetness! I'm jealous. That is pure awesomeness in the form of a bus.
u kno it! ;D
Innocent One
Love Train
... Where the hell do u live? Looks like upstate New York..fuckin skinny trees...
Nice names.
NJ close :P
O yea I drive a 91 Ford Thunderbird..
Shes Betty my ThunderBeast
You should give her a tramp stamp with her name on it =P thats white trash classy in car form.
P.S it was winter lol
nice tho thunderbirds r real niceeeee
the back will be covered in bumper stickers :P so it'll be hard
You should call it the Turtle Van.
In the Original TMNT movies, that's the exact vehicle they drove around in.
Pssst....Black Star Ep.1 coming relatively soon!
haha thats neat i didnt know that! maybe ill draw a turtle on it too. thanks
and im excited! =D my flash is coming out soon too. firsty<3
Old VWs smell like lawnmowers/go carts.
lawnmowers/go carts smell like gasoline..lol
and old VWs use less gas so idk but either way
they all smell aright to me so =) idc