Goes to Mystery-Moon-Pie-Aud which is the new account made by the bitchy toddler former miss Mystery-Moon-Pie who was banhammered. His reason for messaging me? He claimed to be able to "fix" my signature. All he needed was the original picture. He claimed his intentions where not of the pervy nature but considering hes a 15 year old child, I considered it best to just let him know that my signature was FINE. Thanks. His "sense of humor" consists of pretending he knows everything about everything--the funniest of which happened to be my COLLEGE MAJOR. Next time, try not to upstage someone older on his or her own MAJOR/PROFESSION. Especially when you know diddly squat about it. Let alone knowing squat about grammar. So as soon as I fight back about what I know best he blocks me. XD
What a freakin dweeb. Oh well. I got a trial for Toon Boom Animator out of it. :P sweet.
how are the rest of ya'll?
What a little mystery-moon-bitch! How am I? Upset, and exhausted! mostly because of flash problems, nice Ninny Bitch award by the way.
Seriously..watta bitch. But who cares anymore.
I was gonna ask how you've been! Oh no to the flash problems D:
I'm so excited to see the flash when it's done though.
What's been the problem? :( Good luck!
And thanks. It took 2 seconds which was 2 seconds longer than mystery took to be an intelectual. ho-shit.