good luck with your flashes
Just your run-of-the-mill, outgoing, friendly, sometimes aggressive, overly sexual, perverted, misunderstood, helpful, original, and always random newgrounds regular who is also a hermaphrodite.
Age 35, Female
Social Worker
4th Year at Uni
Joined on 7/28/07
good luck with your flashes
Thank you! :) I hope they come out nicely.
This is good, not everyone have the guts to make 2 flhashes at the same time (working seriously), i will wait for the result, and i hope that comes out great.
Feliz dia de São Patrício!
The problem all lays within the software. I'm using Toon Boom Studio right now and it's great except sometimes the music / sound get offsynced from the animation. It becomes confusing and that is what makes me want to give up on it all--all together. But eventually I'll finish them both.
Hey there whore-face. I decided to make due with what I got and I'm doing well on the first episode. I'm working on your first scene right now, which is like 2/9 or so. So I think it should be done by April.
Don't be a douche, damn. :P
Make due with your programs and such? Good luck.
I can't wait to see it. *thumbs up*
Great that you wont give up, besides the dificults.
I, for exemple, finally decide to make a flash good enough to submit (my flashes aways come out stupid), and almost give up a couple times, but keep going, and I think it will be ready next month, check it out. (If you think that comes out stupid tell me)
P.s.:I'm in Brazil an here is really hot.
Thanks for the support! That's good for you but I don't see it up D: Did it make it past judgement? PM me the link or something and I'll watch it. Good luck, either way.
Wow Brazil thats cool.
Happy St. patty's!
<a href=""> /486283</a>
Cute. I 3/5ed it