View Profile Kitala
Just your run-of-the-mill, outgoing, friendly, sometimes aggressive, overly sexual, perverted, misunderstood, helpful, original, and always random newgrounds regular who is also a hermaphrodite.

Age 35, Female

Social Worker

4th Year at Uni


Joined on 7/28/07

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13,710 / 14,390
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marry me

gotta be a lil more personal than that :3 ill consider though

always fun =P

very much so =]

why not me?


:( u never asked!

Looks like you have been busy nowadays...
I will not say "marry me", like the other guys above, because i know that you got good taste and know how to choose wisely...
Well, see ya, and try not expand much your list, you may end very tired...

Uma luz no rosto e um beijo na consciência... (yeah, it's me again with my damn other language, is not that bad... ;)

i wish ud translate below wat u say XD

:P wat u dont wanna marry me mewtwo?

Of course i will translate, means "I light on the face, and a kiss on the conscience"
Actually, the thing is that i think you will not want to marry me, because probably these guys that say this here are annoying you...
And you probably will demand a long time and dedication, and i will not be able to corespond with "full power".
But if you want to, we can try, sometimes you just learn by trying...

Well, see ya, "darling" and you know the rest, he, he...

Hahaha thats pretty, thanks. :)
Nah theyre saying it cuz i'm awesome and i'd make a kickass wife.
i dont get annoyed by much of anything anyone does/says to me on ng
obviously not so long term that ive been with all of these ngers ;P

wanna be on the list? hahaha gotta ask, sweetcheeks

I would rather not say right now what it looks like Fgoose is really doing...

Whackin it? nah hes holding a slinky he just kept moving around and i tried to get the screenshot before he finished asking me and I said yes.

Well, looks like you don't gom down by anything said/done, right?
But if you thing that i deserve to be on the list, you can put me there...
Sometimes people just do crazy things, and the best thing to do is to stay with your thoughs and don't let them go, just for something special...
See you on your next post...

É, isso foi tudo, embora esse casamento seja simbólico, principalmente porque seria muito difícil p mim pedir p alguém casar comigo, eu até estou em dúvida c eu gosto ou não de uma amiga minha, mas nem se preocupe, é uma coisa minha...
(If you want, try to translate this from Brazilian Portuguese...)

[Hey Kitala, sorry by the comment above, i don't notice that newgrounds are logged in with my brother's account, just forget about it]

Well, looks like you don't gom down by anything said/done, right?
But if you thing that i deserve to be on the list, you can put me there...
Sometimes people just do crazy things, and the best thing to do is to stay with your thoughs and don't let them go, just for something special...
See you on your next post...

É, isso foi tudo, embora esse casamento seja simbólico, principalmente porque seria muito difícil p mim pedir p alguém casar comigo, eu até estou em dúvida c eu gosto ou não de uma amiga minha, mas nem se preocupe, é uma coisa minha...
(If you want, try to translate this from Brazilian Portuguese...)

?, That was all, though this marriage is symbolic? Lico, mainly because it would be very dif? Cil p p algu ask me? M marry me, I at? 'm in it? c I like life or not? to a friend of mine, but not worry? one thing my ...

Translators don't do very much, kiddo. I need help haha. Marriage is totally symbolic. I'm not seriously married to anyone on ng. I have a bf even haha. We all know it's a joke and i'm just good friends with all of these people on ng. I wouldn't have sex with girls and like half of those people are women ;P

Hey! You got a hair cut! It looks nice :3

Thanks, love! leave it to another girl to both realize and mention it :3
thats not true a lot of people on stickam realized too but
thanks for noticing =]

Hey, you don't get it all...
I am not a nut head (please, believe me!), of course is simbolic, and this is what i say, and I am triyng to be cool and just kidding, because you is a cool girl and help newground to be more active, because most of the NGs just do a post to say "hey, whatch my new animation" and forget the community part of this site...
Well, "Things have been said and errors have been made, let's forget about it and keep going with our lives" (Homer Simpson), if you still want to marry me "I just can offer you my total and compleatly dependance" (also Homer Simpson), and this little thing below...
............... ,--/´¯/--,,----, ,----,
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Uma luz no rosto e um beijo na consciência...

[Im sorry, is this what i intent to make...]
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Looks like someone needs a dildo.

i want gagsy's it is SO cool. lmao itd be like being fucked by the sea itself
and as a pirate i need that

they also have a jellyfish one that i kinda like
but it looks way to big x___x so does the tentacle one but
gotta break-er in sometime i guess right?

send me pictures when you get it.

also add me to the list because i want you inside me and shit.

aww thats sweet and all but you have to do something romantic or cute
make me want to be like
wanting my huge dick inside of your little ass isnt enough, love.

Disregarding your whorish endeavors, GOT NEW TECH. Gonna rewrite shit and get you to do more stuff probably. PROJECT'S NOT DEAD!

NICE. i was starting to think the latter was true.
:P good for you. im excited

You are very beautiful

I want to touch your body already, shik. theres no need for teet-sucking comments ;P

this blog is wrong and you should feel wrong!

nahh not really :)

Whore...uh...I mean...shit.

haha it happens *shrugs*

This list is full of lies

just because you're not on it doesnt mean you can mock it slappy
a few posts up you were all "why cant i be on the list"
grow up. literally. get older. then maybe you can :3

I read your response to gagsy's post and to be honest, caring about yourself more than others is usually a manifest of anti social traits. You and Gagsy only enjoy idle chit chat with internet users and other forms of lame social interaction because you're too afraid to put yourself out there. Not to mention the harboring feelings and tension you have for others, for no apparent reason other then some vain untrue things.

I wouldn't care, but I have a friend like this too.

In short, you're just like Gagsy, selfishly social. Don't blame anyone but yourself. (I think it's a terrible thing, because in all reality it is.)