View Profile Kitala
Just your run-of-the-mill, outgoing, friendly, sometimes aggressive, overly sexual, perverted, misunderstood, helpful, original, and always random newgrounds regular who is also a hermaphrodite.

Age 35, Female

Social Worker

4th Year at Uni


Joined on 7/28/07

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The pirate collection? :O

Posted by Kitala - June 19th, 2009

EDIT #2!!!
TOM EMAILED ME BACK! I'm so friggen giddy. :]]]] yayy
He said:

"I really do need to make a pirates collection... I've been wanting to move the collection system over to a tag-based system, but if we don't get to that in the coming months I'll finally do it. :)"

WHOO! So, you're all welcome andddd once that baby is up my Kitala The Pirate animation better be in it. :D YA'RRRRRR

I also sent an Email to Tom since everyone keeps saying Wade was a bad choice. Haha..not like Tom will be much more help. He probably gets so many emails a day he wont get to mine for like a year. Whatever...I tried.

I wrote to Wade about a week ago expressing my sincere disturbance
as to why there is no Pirate section of the Collections
there's one for paris hilton for chr!st's sake!
and ninjas get their own collection?
don't even get me started on how pirates are way better.


So I'm trying to make my mark on NG
so if this pirate section comes on out anytime soon
you're all welcome.
:] and my new flash belongs in it.


The pirate collection? :O


does that guy ever read his mail. Seriouslywtf lol.

no idea. i hope so =/

Do what you want, 'cause a pirate is free,
Yar har, fiddle di dee,
Being a pirate is alright to be,
Do what you want 'cause a pirate is free,
You are a pirate!

Yeah I made a youtube music video for that with friends
:P its somewhere in my news history if u feel like a listen
hahaha Y'ARR

Newgrounds think that Paris Hilton is more important than Pirates?
Seems that stupid things give more audience...
Well, see ya, Kitala!
Uma luz no rosto e um beijo na consciência.

Haha yeah it seems that way.
i still cant understand that last bit XD

I've sent him mail does he read it NO!

oi vey

Means "A light in the face and a kiss in the conscience"
See ya.

interesting quote :O

Wait,your in my head?how?Be more specific.You would not believe whats in this noodle.A pack of crap that matters to me.Tell me!on my userpage.There is a chance I may never see this blog or profile or whatever u kids call it nowadays

You severely resent your mother I see...
trust issues and such..
oh sorry i was distracted by your memories

Wow,your good!What am I thinking rite now?

you'd greatly enjoy a cake...and a gf...and an improved social life. and ur expecting to gulp down some tacos in the near future to supress all of those desires.

A pirate collection would make a fine addition to NG :D, but yeah ninjas are better >:P (lol jk) and i had no idea there was a Paris Hilton collection... *shivers* that's a scary thought.

I sure think so! =] and i wouldnt even joke about such a horrible thing. and yeah i didnt know that it existed either until i noticed a pirate collection DIDNT. i was pretty pissed.

who makes shit about her anyway? she's not even appealing to the ng community. ive studied the desires of ng men and i kno it for a fact. XD

!Oh,so wrong.Second chance!

im gonna go with im gonna go hit a pinata

Although your rite about tacos,im a chicano!We lov that shit!though we dont call it that

complete guess

Pirate's deserve their collection!

and they shall get it! =D

I wanna make a petition,but then again..I dont caaire

u, sir are not driven.
u will go nowhere in life.

awww, i lov you too:P

dont make me slap u
ill do it

first off, Ninjas pwn pirates ;)

second, Pedobear in your banner? WTF

1. no and im willing to shoot u in the face with a vintage pistol to prove it
2. not like its any of ur business but imma cougar

not a pedo..but close enough without being illegal XD

also. because he's a meme. which is the basic theme to my banner.

Tits or GTFO

ur quite late. that was so 32 posts ago


ill take the comment please! :]