Not I :(
Just your run-of-the-mill, outgoing, friendly, sometimes aggressive, overly sexual, perverted, misunderstood, helpful, original, and always random newgrounds regular who is also a hermaphrodite.
Age 35, Female
Social Worker
4th Year at Uni
Joined on 7/28/07
Not I :(
why not jamie? D: i thought we were gonna share a room and fondle each other's yumyums and make ramen
im kidding.
but still why?
Unfortunately not me, I wish I could, but the time and the money to fly 5114 miles is something I don have... but I hope you have fun there
aww thanks though. if i go i kno ill have fun i just hope i can go haha
Meet for what?
Is it a midnight train going anywhere or a crazy train going off the rails?
ng meet
how big is demetri martin's penis?
edit: stop lurking my myspace pics
That's cuz we don't want the youngins crampin our style, CHRIS.
Can I bring flowers? :3
You're crazy, sir.
I'm crazy, crazy in love!
in love with every girl on ng u whore
I'm still a maybe, but def seeing you on Friday :D also, imma stalk your blog now lololol
lululul you should definitely go thoughhh. but yeah im excited for friday. just cleaning my room and shit. stalk away :P
omg :D
You really should go shika. REALLY. you should.
I really want to. I'll definitely try.
You'd better. Don't make me come out and get your ass.
that doesn't sound so bad
If you don't come I won't come and get your ass.
lol come :P I'm sure you could make me come easily.
But seriously, it's still too early to say. I think I can go, I would just need money and chizz but probably not even that much so it's kewl.
well dont underestimate it. get to saving >:P babysit super hard
Oh yeah, I totally am. Christmas money is cool. I asked my mommy and my dad for money this year instead of whatever they would have gotten
good. :D
I'm gonna come.
Don't lie chris you're too young.
No, i'm going to come.
I think you're thinking of the other kind of "cum," slappy
Took you long enough, idiot,
Did I ever mention how much I hate you?
Well you spelled it wrong. Idiot.
Did I ever mention how you're going through the worst PMDD I've ever known?
Look it up bitch.
i'm gonna dropkick you. DDDDDDD:<
Hey you two, you guys love each other. Now kiss and make up! with tongue :P
Shika he's like 14 jeesh!
I respect your decision/views/opinions/whatever. Sorry.
XD yeah yeah shika yeah yeah
dammit i wish they had a Texas meet
make one. or fly out here! if i had the money id fly out there. it has been my experience that there are some sexay men in texas. just like my ex-as. hah :]