It's been a long time since I've made a news post,
and since my last one reached 150+ comments (mostly shika)
I've decided to post a new one.
Today, I met Timmy. He was an awesome person to hang out with.
I hope that he was not scared away by my huge penis or my lack of tits.
We walked around and saw a dinosaur and went mountain climbing on Mt. Everest.
We came back and I serenaded him with my banjo and poetry about vaginas.
We trolled NG and watched a movie.
We had many lols and it was epic, IMO.
Overall, Timmy was really funny and easy to get along with. We have the same or at least similar sense of humor. And he wasn't even awkward a bit like one would expect from a NGer or a NG meet. I sincerely hope he goes to the NYC meet and/or at least comes over again because I really had fun. Oh, except this time I'll think of fun stuff to do. :P Sorry, Timmy!
Anyway yeah. :) Good times.
It makes me look forward to the meet even more now!
Silly women.
Silly dogmeat.