I dyed my hair for prom a lil while back
it's starting to fade.
I am sad. :(
Entertain me pluxz >:|
Just your run-of-the-mill, outgoing, friendly, sometimes aggressive, overly sexual, perverted, misunderstood, helpful, original, and always random newgrounds regular who is also a hermaphrodite.
Age 35, Female
Social Worker
4th Year at Uni
Joined on 7/28/07
Posted by Kitala - June 10th, 2008
I dyed my hair for prom a lil while back
it's starting to fade.
I am sad. :(
Entertain me pluxz >:|
Entertainment huh? Well then, we cant all have what we want ey?
>=| mean-hole
You're a guuuuuuuuuuurl.
Supposedly so are you.
How entertaining for the both of us.
Entertain you my dear? Sure! Heres a random riddle,
A man is found lying dead, face down in the middle of the desert. He is wearing a backpack. His ribs are crushed. The post mortem shows that he died, suddenly, 2 months ago. Yet no one has crossed the dessert for 3 months. What happened?
Any ideas?
Parachute didn't deploy.
Next time spare me your life story.
Good one though.
Here is a video of a cat, a crawfish and a recorder, ukelele and tuba version of the Imperial March. Its all I got.
<a href="http://youtube.com/watch?v=bGTZoyARvnQ">http://youtube.com/watch?v=bGTZoyARvn Q</a>
...I was as amused at the dog was. At first I was thinking
this was the best thing i've got so far next to the riddle
then when i realized at like 3:50 seconds
the cat wasn't going to rip the thing apart
i was just like >=| i am frustrated.
i wanted to step on it.
Ok, how about this?
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_FmGj4XbQZc">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_FmGj4 XbQZc</a>
HAHAHA i wont lie
you got a lol out of me nice job
someone beat that though
so i can go back to being cynical of everyone's responses
You remind me of...someone.
It's probibly Jesus or one of the Olsen Twins
I get that a lot.
What you need is sunshine! you're getting a bit pale...
heh funny thing about that
i skipped school today to beach it
and im red as hell right now
i prefer being pale actually, though.
don't ask why. it's just more appealing to me/on me.
id rather stay inside and play videogames than be outside in the sun
most of the time
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tG3QNf1iCKo&feature=related">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tG3QNf 1iCKo&feature=related</a>
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_lNfBZTz2xQ">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_lNfBZ Tz2xQ</a>
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HX629ZjWD68">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HX629Z jWD68</a>
1. seemed too staged
2. nice i hate those things >_<
3. eh
you're losing your luster
Theres a NG story behind #1:
<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/909208/1">http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/9 09208/1</a>
Maybe this will restore some of my shiny luster.
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WcU4t6zRAKg">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WcU4t6 zRAKg</a>
# 1 is unsatisfactory still even with a story
# 2 is nice i loled a bit
I ...Stole the devils underpants...
I have the color of his balls on my back.
I win.
okeydokey then! Yeah, there's this girl at my school who is freaking pale, but she's not like a geek. She's pretty popular, I don't think I or anyone at my school to imagine her being tan. It just wouldn't look right. I understand :)
ok, here's a knock knock joke:
knock knock
who's there
banana who
banana banana
knock knock
who's there
banana banana
banana banana who?
banana banana banana
knock knock
who's there
orange who
orange you glad I didn't say banana banana banana banana?
Is it funny? Yes? No? ok...
Are you saying I'm a geek?
It's okay I am.
Overused joke alert.
Attempt recieved.
Entertainment denied.
No, who you actually remind me of is the hot chick that lives down the street from me, so yeah, I'm technically calling you fucking hot and not using it or attempting to tie it up and put it in a unessesary complicated matter like a fucking dumbassed 13-year old like DrugMan3. <a href="http://drugman3.newgrounds.com">http://drugman3.newgrounds.com</a>
Thanks..You should tell the girl that lives down the street she's hot.
I'm sure she'd appreciate it and maybe get naked for you.
Why did you link some child?
And where is my entertainment?
nononono, I said she's NOT a geek. And neither are you! ;)
yes i am
and proud
I'm gonna start to E-Stalk you. Alright?
So you wouldn't mind it if I called you a GEEK?!
i am.
So, I see you came back.
Ninjas still kick ass over pirates though.
ill kill you
ninjas suck compared to pirates
and it like 10 of you dont agree on comand
ill flip a bitchfit
You wouldn't kill me.
I'm too cute and innocent.
u dunno me well =P
What do you mean?
I know tons of shit about you.
I think...
Well, you do know a lot about me.
I do know a lil bit about u i suppose
i interviewed you XD
so i would assume that means i kno at least some stuff
u donno me very well tho
theres really only like 2 people on ng who know me
1 doesnt really anymore
and the other is my best friend
and then 1 more i kno in RL which doesnt count.
Fine then.
I hate you too.
i dont hate you
So... What's it like being a pirate hippie raver?
Talking about myself is hardly entertaining.
It's great.
I dance around in a tutu to techno
and then find treasure and kill people
then i stick flowers in their hair and make their cold
lifeless hands
into peace signs.