penispenispenis penis
Just your run-of-the-mill, outgoing, friendly, sometimes aggressive, overly sexual, perverted, misunderstood, helpful, original, and always random newgrounds regular who is also a hermaphrodite.
Age 35, Female
Social Worker
4th Year at Uni
Joined on 7/28/07
penispenispenis penis
that's true.
That't your first photo on Newgrounds? Beautiful as aways...
I'd remember when I first enter on newgrounds, a frend of mine show me "Mortal Kombat vs Street Fighter 2" by Proxicide... since then, i doesn't stop visit it, but only in 2009 I create my account, because I was made an animation (until now is not finished, I stop so many times and well, I suck in animation...) but this site gave me so many good times, and I bet it gave to you too...
Until your next post, see ya, e um beijo pra vocĂȘ...
I wouldn't say it was my first, but thanks!
That's great! I'm glad you're still on and contributing :)
Yes, definitely. I hate how I was a year ago and a year ago I hated how I was a year before that and a year from now I'll probably hate how I am now.
Also you've kind of helped me mature a little sort of in a way possibly.
It's understandable shika. I hardly knew you a year ago...I mean the real you. You were just some kid complimenting me constantly.
I'm not totally sure how, but you're welcome never-the-less. :)
And, by the way, the NJ meat was good?
It was nice. :)
NG didn't do anything for me as far as growing, if anything it has had a negative effect since I constantly browse the BBS and expect instant gratification and or amusement.
Also, I haven't been UOTD yet >:(
Aww one day, grasshopper, one day you will be selected to join us and be amongst the greats. Also show Tom your genitals, that's what I did!
Nice pistol.
I think...Newgrounds has definitely influenced who I am as a person, prepared me for some of the stupidity of the world.
Likewise, my experiences in real life have changed me and shaped my actions on Newgrounds and how I interact with its community. Looking back at my posts from all those years ago, I'm definitely not the same personality I was.
While not every gain was positive, I've definitely come to understand the world more broadly, and become capable of maintaining equilibrium in the face of situations I find abhorrent.
As for the lipring. I'm not a fan of piercings in general, but it's not bad on you (taking this picture as an example). I do think you look fine without it, though. But hey, it's your decision, not mine.
Thanks! It's the lesser favorite of the two that I have.
Oh yeah?
That's great!
Yeah, not all changes are for the better. I've become more critical and hardened, for example.
Thanks for your input and your experience sharing! :)
shut the fcuk up
you've grown up at least year-wise :3