wall-E ROCKS
Just your run-of-the-mill, outgoing, friendly, sometimes aggressive, overly sexual, perverted, misunderstood, helpful, original, and always random newgrounds regular who is also a hermaphrodite.
Age 35, Female
Social Worker
4th Year at Uni
Joined on 7/28/07
wall-E ROCKS
=D YEAH HE DOES! and so do you, now!
Can I stick my dick in your mouth plz.
depends, can i stick mine in yours?---in fact
even if i could
i wouldnt
and u cant
no >:|
Can I stick my mouth in your dick plz.
>:| god damn it
I am yet to see this superb movie, though my friends have told me of its magnificence. I may have to watch it...NOW
Yes you do! =) let me know when you did. It's amazing.
Im going to watch it illeagally on the internets because i have no job and am poor. So no cinema.
Thats how I was gonna watch it but i kept finding shitty versions and I needed to see that in theaters. and i have a job--shitty one but i have one XD
Well if i cant find a decent version i'll go see it, alone if it comes to it!! >:P
i saw it twice :D
D: Now i have to see it, if you've seen it twice!! :P
Hah, gotta catchup =P
I just masterbated to your face.
:| you, sir, are a sick bastard
cant you find any good interesting shit online?
No sorry, maybe you can help. Tell me a story.
once upon a time
i hate you so much D:<
god i want you to leave me alone
I really liked it too. It might become the 7th movie I'm actually willing to own.
Also, you know there is a button to block users like ianianian1111, right?
Yeah--wow only seven? which lucky movies?
and yeah i kno i can block him. i did.
i just wanted to see what he'd say so my bf could see
since i told him about him but he hasnt been able to get online
thanks for the concern though :)
imma big girl tha i can handle it--'sides,
unattractive losers like him give me something to laugh at ^_^
hi. I bet you 50 coolness points, that I have accumulated over time, that I liked Wall-E more than you did.
so... you work at macdonalds now? can I have a free big mac? Please?
First of all---i love wall-e ten times more than you ever "liked" him.
I don't get what you're referencing with the mcd's thing?--
macdonalds is from that movie coming to america--i kno that
her name is eve..not eva..wall-e says it that way
cuz it makes eve laugh...U do NOT make her laugh. so dont call her eva
I know that her name is EVE. I was pretending to be Wall-E.
Gosh, you're supposed to say: Wall-E. It's like Marco-polo really.
And about the macdonalds thing. I heard that you were working somewhere, not sure if it was mcdonalds or somewhere else. Oh well, ta-ta!
You can't pretend to be Wall-E, though!
It's like...Tribute Bands..they're never as good as the real thing.
And sometimes they wind up destroying everything beautiful about the character.
No, I don't work at McDonald's..I promised myself I never would.
No *stubborn*
I saw that movie and I loved it. Then again I'm a sucker for Pixar....
Who didn't?--and who isnt?
pixar has this innate way of poking our heartstrings
Eva... *holds umbrella over your head whilst being struck by lightning.*
the actual Wall-E is such a sweetiepie
... I see... I'm going back in my little hideout and watch my VCR now.
will you be watching hello dolly?
I don't need you, hmph!
hah sowwy
ull miss me =)
aww... I miss you already...
Will you be my Eva?
And why don't you post in the forums anymore? Busy or just lack of interest?
haha knew it
cant ive got a wall-e already =]
verrrry busy ^___^ new post coming soon to update
me too...
Kitala (Updated )
:D nice